January Platform Updates

Announcement • Product Release

Boulevard Platform Updates: January 2022

We hope the first month of this new year has been a good one! We are excited to share more about our expanded usage-based pricing offerings, which allow you to sell units of product ahead of when they’ll be used in services. We also have a look back at all the changes we made to the platform in 2021, with the aim of continuously improving our ability to support your adaptability and growth.

Prepaid Units of Products

Boulevard has expanded our ability to support usage-based pricing for customers with Premier and Enterprise packages. Now, you can presell units of a product to a client that can be redeemed immediately or at a later date. This type of sale is most popular for injectables at Medspas, but it could also apply to cases where you choose to charge for the amount of product used in a service like hair extensions or acrylic nails.

To presell product units, find the “Credits” section in Checkout (either via “New Sale” in the Client Profile, or by dragging the appointment into “Completed”). Next to Product Units, select “+”, search for the product name, enter the units sold, and check out as usual. If you would like to sell the units at a discount, that can be adjusted after the units have been added, before collecting payment. 

Note: To use the prepaid units feature, the product must be set up for use during services at that location. See the Usage-Based Pricing Support Article to set that up.

Product Units

To redeem these pre-sold units, select  “Credits” as the payment method and redeem the appropriate number of units.

Redeem Units

Reporting Note: The reporting functionality on this type of sale and liability is not fully built out yet. You will be able to view Prepaid Unit sales in your Sales Summary (classic report). Stay tuned for a Beta Report with the ability to track this type of liability and sale!

A Look Back at 2021

From pandemic closures to openings to everything in between, 2021 was a wild ride for all of us. We know how much you have on your plate, and we worked to help you face this new reality. We at Boulevard spent the year improving our platform to make it more useful, better integrated, and more intuitive. Take a look at our Top Platform Enhancements of 2021.

Boulevard was built to help your business achieve profitability at scale without losing an inch of sanity. See for yourself! Get a free demo today.


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