Industry • Best Practice
5 Emails That Will Capture Your Clients' Attention During the Hectic Holidays
By Boulevard StaffRise above the rest of the inbox clutter with these holiday email campaign ideas
People get a lot of emails over the holiday season. Like, “over 300 million emails sent between Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday” a lot. People are generally ok with the increased traffic in their inbox during this time of year (hey, any help in figuring out what to get Aunt Beatrice is greatly appreciated) and tend to spend 138% more via email marketing than those who don’t receive emails at all.
The problem? Everyone is trying to capture your clients’ attention, so it takes a focused and direct approach to pierce through the noise to get them to open your email and click on the offer inside. Writing effective email subject lines and copy is an art as much as it is a science, but you can give yourself a head start crafting the perfect holiday email marketing campaign with these five helpful ideas.
The “We make holiday shopping easy” email
Everyone has that great aunt or second cousin who is impossible to shop for. “Oh, I don’t need any gifts,” they’ll say, but you can feel their disappointment if you don’t get them something they’ll love. And that’s when a promotional email from your business shows up in their inbox, making their lives that much easier.
Finding the right gift is a significant source of stress for shoppers, and it’s your job to make that stress evaporate. People are often much happier when they receive experiences like a special day of self-care at the salon or spa, so lean into that messaging in your emails. Plus, it’s far easier — and faster — to buy a gift card or salon package than to spend hours driving around town or trawling websites to purchase something that’ll probably be forgotten about in a month or two.
The “Limited time discount” email
Saving money is basically a national pastime, and the holidays are a great way to introduce promotions and discounts to encourage shoppers to spend more money at your business. By directly stating your offer within your email subject lines, you can ensure your clients are always aware of your latest promotion, which makes them more likely to follow through.
The “OMG, there’s only a week left!” email
The holiday season is a hectic, weeks-long countdown toward the one day when everyone can finally start relaxing again. There’s so much to juggle — gotta take the kids to their recital, make sure there’s enough food for the family gathering, and make sure everyone has the right gift. It’s very easy for something — or someone — to slip through the cracks.
As the end of the season nears, your emails should start to remind people that this looming deadline is rapidly approaching. By driving that sense of urgency, you can keep your business top of mind while reprioritizing where they’re shopping. Plus, you’re also subtly encouraging them to do a mental inventory of everyone on their holiday checklist to ensure they haven’t forgotten to get anyone a gift — and what better gift could there be than a luxe treatment at your salon?
The “Gift cards are a great idea!” email
While it may be obvious to you that you sell gift cards (you’ve only got signs up all over the place), your clients may not even be aware that they’re available. Send email reminders that gift cards from your salon make great last-minute gifts or stocking stuffers to improve awareness and boost sales.
The “Dissolve your holiday stress with self-care” email
Gift giving is great and all, but with all the demands of the holiday season, sometimes people just need to splurge on some valuable “me-time” to de-stress. Remind your clients it’s ok to be a little selfish during this time of the year. Help them take a day out of their busy schedule and stop by to pamper themselves with a relaxing massage or facial.
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